Hangin' With PBK - Studio 1 Hosted By PBK, Pretty Boy Steve, Jacky Joker & Dr. Jay
Cruisin’ The Barrio – Studio 1
Hosted By: Rudy, Carlito, Huck & Manny Fresh
Cruisin the Barrio is exclusively on Cave Radio Broadcasting with Hosts Rudy, DJ Carlito, SW Drew, AT Huck featuring
DJ Cisco Kid & DJ Playdoe. All of your favorite old school jams (50s,60s,70s,80s & more) on a Saturday night, that’s right take a trip down memory lane with your favorite Vatos from Southwest Detroit. In case you forgot the rules of Cruisin the Barrio:
1st. Put the kiddies to bed( this is a grown folks party).
2. Dim the lights, light your favorite candle or incense.
3. Get your favorite drink or smoke( no judges here on this ride).
4. Make sure you have the most positive company around you (old homies, significant other, ect).
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